Saturday, November 17, 2007

my work station

for the longest time, i've always wanted to have a scrapbook room. a place i can call my own, where i can sit, think, create, and just be me. so now i have one. and the feeling is wonderful. just to be able to spread out and make anything i want to is... amazing! i can leave my mess, or clean it up. i can start a project and come back to it a day later.

i know that there will be a lot of creating that will take place in this room. i can't wait for that to happen!


Grace Tolman said...

hey didn't know you're in the bloggin world too. Glad to see you here. I love that space. That manequin (sp?) is a unique addition. keep in touch.

sunshineydays said...

well, i'm trying it. kasi nga i need to get some thoughts down... seriously!
i have questions about your page... how you have links and stuff... and how you have the photo of shoes and stuff. i wanna learn!!